Saturday, January 4, 2020

Decorating a Coffee Recyclable Cup

Painting is a wonderful way to build self-esteem, appreciate art, and to express yourself. It has a calming effect on the brain. Painting is also used as therapy and to communicate any hidden emotions that you might have. Nonetheless, painting simple shapes, swirls, lines, and other design elements can make you focus more. In addition, painting makes you heal emotionally. 

It is a terrific way to relax over the weekends. Art has been used as a means of communication and to express our emotions. As well as a means of creativity. Painting is an extraordinary hobby that only takes a few minutes or an hour to do. This painted recyclable Starbucks cup can make an amazing gift too.  

Using acrylic paint, you can decorate a Starbucks coffee recyclable cup. All you will need is two different colors of acrylic paint, paintbrushes, and a recyclable coffee cup. First, wash the cup and make sure it is dry before painting. Also, you can use stencils to design your recyclable coffee cup. Here are more resources about the health benefits of painting.
The Mental Health Benefits of Art Are For Everyone:

Top 10 Health Benefits of Painting:

The Benefits of Arts & Crafts:

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