Tuesday, January 7, 2020

How to Hush Your Mind From Self-Criticism?

According to the author of " Empty the Cup, Yong Kang Chan, " It's difficult to see your thoughts when you are in your thoughts". Listening to your inner self-criticism makes you feel insufficient, not loved, and not needed. Separating your negative thoughts with your positive thoughts makes it easier to pinpoint what you feel inside. Listening more to your positive thoughts increases your self-esteem. The more self-esteem will let you accept yourself and have more joy.

For instance, rephrasing your negative thoughts into a positive statement permits you to be less fearful. Most of the time your negative thoughts come from people who have hurt you. Therefore, do not let those statements from negative people make you feel less. Writing down your positive qualities will make you see your self-worth. Letting go of the negative comments from people will allow you to see yourself from a different perspective.

Self-criticism can make you see only fragments of what you are. Keeping those negative opinions inside makes it worse. In the long run, you are destroying your self-esteem by believing in those harsh words. Writing down how you feel in a journal makes you feel less brutal. Consult with a therapist if you cannot stop your inner self-criticism. Here are more resources about quieting your mind from self-criticism.

How to Stop Self-Criticism:

7 Ways to Train Your Brain to be less Critical of Yourself:

Why Self-Criticism Needs to Stop and How You End it:

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