Thursday, July 22, 2021

International Self-Care Day

The World Health Organization declared July 24th as a day dedicated to self-care. Since 2011, International Self-Care Day brings awareness on how to improve our health and wellness. It is a day to get the necessary programs and information to improve our mental, emotional, and physical health. Learning about the health programs that are offered through your health coverage such as exercise classes, art therapy, and other services. Self-care activities are essential for relieving your stress. 

Attending a support group or a group where you can learn new hobbies will make you feel productive. Also, joining a group where you will feel welcomed will motivate you in a good way. Taking naps when you feel tired can be part of your self-care routine.  Breaking bad habits will help you emotionally and physically. Here are links to self-care day activities.

50 Free and Healthy Ways to Practice Self-Care at Home:

Self-Care-Active Minds:

Seven Types of Self-Care Activities: 


* Free borders and fonts from PiZap

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