The Effects of Social Media and Body Image (Eating Disorders)

Social media has a positive and a negative influence on one’s self-esteem and body image. As the young mind and self-esteem develop, their body image tends to get distorted with pictures of celebrities, top models, and fashionistas. Yet, most pictures online are filtered, enhanced, and play with the light and shadows. Also, eating disorders frequently occur by comparing themselves to online pictures. Sometimes, a teenager might want to change their nose, facial features, or other body parts to look more like their favorite celebrity.

Therefore, keep an eye on your teenager’s eating and exercise habits. Eating disorders occur at an early age. Often a teenager’s body image is distorted by seeing themselves in the mirror for hours and doing too many selfies. Additionally, most teenagers take selfies to seek approval on how they look before they go out with their friends or acquaintances.

Here is a list of things to keep in mind if you suspect your teenager has an eating disorder:

  1. Skipping breakfast before going to school.
  2. Not eating their breakfast and lunch.
  3. Having a big meal during dinner and no snacks in between.
  4. Eating too much and then vomiting it.
  5. Drinking more water and eating less.
  6. Feeling weak, tired, and not having enough energy during the day.
  7. Sleeping too much and only eating in lesser amounts.
  8. Seeking approval from their friends and are pressured to show their naked bodies.
  9. Exercising too much for long hours and not drinking enough fluids.
  10. Saving money to change their appearance and taking prescriptions that their parents are not aware of. 

Let your teenager know that changing their appearance will not make them feel happy. Also, let them know that their body is still developing into their adult body. Furthermore, they are beautiful just the way they are. However, social media can be positive for a teenager by focusing on eating healthy, exercising, getting enough sleep, and learning about self-care. Here are more resources about body image and social media. 

The Impact of Social Media on Body Image, Eating, and Health-Psychology Today

The Impact of Social Media on Body Image, Eating, and Health | Psychology Today

Social Media and its Effect on Eating Disorders-HuffPost:

Social Media and its Effect on Eating Disorders | HuffPost null

The Impact of Social Media on Eating Disorders-The Recovery Village:

The Impact of Social Media on Eating Disorders | The Recovery Village

The Complicated Truth About Social Media and Body Image-BBC Future:

The complicated truth about social media and body image - BBC Future

* Free body silhouette clip art:

* Free fonts and stickers from PiZap


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