Saturday, August 27, 2022

Name-Calling & Relationships

Name-calling occurs often in friendships, dating, or serious relationships. No matter what the reasons for this to continue in your relationship with someone, it should not be accepted. Sometimes women make the mistake of allowing men to call them, “Crazy”, “Tiny”, “Fatty”, or other words based on their appearances. This type of name calling can occur anytime in the friendship or the relationship. Yet, if a woman does not say anything to the man, the name-calling gets worse, and might end up abusing her verbally.

Men use this tactic to make the woman feel less than his equal and to feel tougher than her. No one wins during the arguments when name calling begins which makes it worse to repair the relationship. Even if there is no argument, the man might call her names in public so he can look good among his peers. Why do men continue name-calling women in their friendships or their relationships? One reason is due to the name-calling that he was exposed to throughout childhood.

Some boys see their fathers name calling to their mothers and feel that is the only way to express themselves. Yet, this type of thinking hurts women. Name-calling is considered emotional abuse because women begin believing the words that are said to them repeatedly. These types of men seek to have control over women by making them feel bad about themselves. Often women feel guilty for allowing them to call them names.

As a woman, tell your male friend, boyfriend, or your husband that you will not tolerate name-calling. Most of the time the name-calling is not against you, but it is the only method that he knows to express himself. Unexpressed anger, disappointments, rejections, fears, or other feelings he cannot say verbally. Depending on the situation, listen and be aware of his body language to see what he is communicating physically. If the name-calling persists, leave him alone for an hour or until he cools off.

Every man is different, difficult, and challenging to understand for a woman. Therefore, listen carefully and talk to him with kindness. If for any reason he does not want to be in the relationship with you, know that it is not your fault. It is so easy for a woman to blame themselves for being with a man who does name-calling. Here are more resources about name-calling. 

When Your Partner Accuses You of Being Crazy-Psychology Today: 

When Your Partner Accuses You of Being “Crazy" | Psychology Today

Don't Let A Guy Convince You You're

Don't Let A Guy Convince You You’re “Crazy" (

How Name Calling Damages Your Relationship-The Good Men Project:

How Name-Calling Damages Your Relationship - The Good Men Project

* Artwork made in Picture Collage Maker and Editor

* Quote from Goodreads

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