Sleep Tips During Sleep Disturbances


There are many reasons for sleep disorders to occur such as depression, anxiety, nerve disorders, heart disease, pain, and other diseases that can cause it. Other reasons can also be certain medications, fears, and going through trauma. Psychological trauma affects sleep due to too much stress, emotional pain, and an increase in activity in the nervous system. Therefore, sleep disturbances can cause insomnia and sleep disorders which make it difficult to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep makes it tough to work during the day and to function well every day.

Yet, the brain needs sleep for memory, for learning, to remove waste products, and for brain balance along with brain activities. Nightmares and dreams are examples of brain activity that occur while you sleep during the rapid eye movement stage of sleep. However, nightmares can also be caused by trauma, too much stress, and as a side effect of certain medications. Insomnia, Parasomnias, and other sleep disruptions can be caused by medications. It is always best to consult with your primary doctor if you have any questions or concerns regarding prescribed and over-the-counter medications.

Do not stop taking your medications unless advised by your primary doctor. Decluttering all your bedrooms and making sure everything is in a safe area. Remove or cover clocks from the bedroom nightstands. Make sure wooden nightstands do not have sharp edges. Also, check light fixtures, lamps, and cordless table lamps.

Decorate your room in a simple and safe environment. Make sure the floors are not slippery with your slippers. Check your sugar before going to sleep. Often feeling hungry at night can keep you awake at night. Other sleep disruptions can also make you lack sleep especially after feeling an earthquake at night or early in the morning. 

Find ways to calm your nerves after an earthquake. Do breathing techniques, meditation, and mindfulness. Mindfulness can help you go back to sleep as well as practicing sitting yoga poses. Nonetheless, do not force yourself to sleep immediately. Avoid sleeping on the sofa in front of the television or in front of your laptop. 

Take it easy and do not abuse substances, sleeping pills, alcohol, or herbal teas for sleep. If you are going through alcohol withdrawal insomnia, seek medical care and professional recovery treatment services. Lack of sleep affects your decision making and can make you worry more. Using alcohol for sleep makes you feel tired the next day. As well as waking up in the middle of the night and sleeping less. 

Parasomnia is when you are awake and sleepy at the same time. Although you can speak, walk, eat, drink, and do everyday activities; The brain is half awake and not fully aware of being awake. Sleepwalking is a parasomnia in which family members must be on alert. Eating while sleeping, screaming, or talking while you are sleeping are also parasomnia examples. Other times you might wake up panicked, fast heart beats, and scared without remembering any recollection of dreams. 

If you have sleep disruptions, practice relaxation techniques, work on a puzzle, play solitaire, or anything that distracts you with positivity. Make sure you lock your doors, windows, and feel safe at home. Make sure you have comfortable pillows and avoid sleeping with tight pajamas. Practice being in silence before going to sleep. Watch the stars, the moon, and observe nature’s sounds at night. 

If you are pregnant, limit taking naps during the day. Have enough pillows for your sleeping position during your pregnancy. Avoid spicy and too acidic foods. Always consult with your doctor regarding sleep disorders, sleep disruptions, and getting sleep during pregnancy. Here are resources for sleep. 


How to Sleep Better: 10 Tips for Children-Raising Children Network:

How to Sleep Better: 10 Tips for Children-Raising Children Network

Night Terrors: Causes and Tips for Prevention:

Night Terrors: Causes and Tips for Prevention

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