Meditation for Loneliness

At certain times of the day, you might feel lonely even when you are surrounded by people. In order to overcome the feeling of loneliness, you can write down your feelings on paper, color, draw, or scrapbooking. Finding a hobby that you like will make you feel less lonely and will keep your mind busy. Also, meditation can help you eliminate the feeling of loneliness. Listening to a guided meditation will help you feel better. 

Reading positive affirmations will comfort you and will block any negative emotion. Feeling lonely out of fear, pain, resentment, or out of frustration won't solve your problems. Therefore, listening to guided meditations and reading positive affirmations will allow you to remove any negative emotions that bring the feeling of loneliness. Perhaps it might take some time for your mind and body to stay calm. However, the feeling of loneliness might just be a temporary state of mind. If this is not the case, talk to someone about feeling lonely, and this will allow you to release any negative emotions. Here are more resources about loneliness and meditation.

How to not feel lonely:

A Cure for Loneliness-Guided Meditation:

How Meditation Makes us feel at "one", Conquers Loneliness:

Meditation for Loneliness:

Quotes about Loneliness:

*Free Border Frame from Pizap

* Photo from my personal photo collection


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