Friday, July 5, 2019

Creativity through Meditation

Meditating will open the creative side of the brain. Creativity can be accomplished by meditating in silence, listening to guided meditations, and doing walking meditation. Puzzles, word searches, and board games will allow the brain to build new skills and will enhance the region of the brain for creativity. Sometimes, watching comedies, funny movies, and videos that provoke laughter helps the brain to relax. In a similar way, reading a short inspirational story, a new book, or poetry allows the brain to escape into another world. This makes the brain to question, to explore, and to be curious. 

Questioning makes the brain to solve problems and to see items from a new perspective. Another approach is by brainstorming and doodling which makes the brain to organize new ideas. Reserving a few minutes for yourself will give you time to concentrate and to be perceptive to more ideas. Writing new words, learning a new language, and writing with your opposite hand forces the brain to be open to new concepts. Last, creativity needs to be practiced so that the brain can process and learn new skills. Working on your favorite hobbies, listening to music, and exercising assist the brain to create new brain cells for creativity. Here are more resources about becoming more creative. 

5 Ways to improve Creativity:

How to Train your Brain to be more Creative:

3 Ways to Train yourself to be more Creative:

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