Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Change Direction Campaign Tools for Mental Wellness

Change Direction Campaign was made to bring awareness for mental health, mental illnesses, and mental wellness. This organization has plenty of resources for speaking to your children about Coronavirus, identifying the signs of emotional suffering, and resources about mental health. Also, resources for suicide and prevention month. Mental health should be a top priority in addition to physical health. Knowing the five signs of emotional suffering is important to provide the right help and resources.

Knowing the Five Signs

Knowing the five signs of the emotional suffering poster comes in many languages. This might be a difficult subject for some people; Mental health not only affects adults but children. Mental Health affects everyone at home and at work.  Make a pledge, donate, or get more information about mental health at the Change  Direction website. Use the hashtag #ChangeMentalHealth to bring awareness to social media. Here is the link to the Change Direction Campaign. 

Change Direction-The Campaign to Change Direction:

* Free resources from Change  Direction Campaign

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this as it reminded me of just how important this campaign is. Will share your post.


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