Friday, November 12, 2021

Commitment and Gamophobia

Commitment is challenging for someone who has gamophobia. If a person has untreated gamophobia, he or she stays in a relationship without having a commitment. Often a person who is not aware of having gamophobia gets nervous, scared, and anxious. He or she changes the subject when the word commitment is in the conversations. Other times a person might want to be in a friend plus relationship or in a relationship that does not require commitment.

For a person to be in a committed relationship, the person must let go of their fears of marriage. If a person had a trauma, an unpleasant experience during childhood, or saw their parents divorce, might make him or her re-think about being in a committed relationship. He or she might still want to be in a relationship to fulfill their physical and emotional needs. Yet might not get an attachment to the other person. If the person does get an emotional attachment with their partner, he or she might still back out of being in a meaningful relationship.

Before being in a committed relationship, a person with untreated gamophobia also must think positively about being in the relationship with their partner. He or she needs to eliminate the words, failure, mistakes, wrong, and other negative words that come to mind. Additionally, he or she must be willing to be open to the thought of being in a committed relationship with their current girlfriend or boyfriend. Furthermore, he or she must let go of negative childhood experiences from their parents who went through a divorce. The key is letting go of the fears.

Simply knowing that their parents went through a divorce, he or she might believe that their committed relationship might end in a divorce. Sadly, statistics show that seventy percent of most married couples with divorced parents do get divorced within months or less than a year. However, every thirty-six seconds a married couple ends up divorced no matter if their parents stayed married. Therefore, with the help of a counselor, a person with untreated gamophobia can overcome their fear gradually with their current boyfriend or girlfriend. As the therapy sessions progress, he, or she with gamophobia might want to live with their boyfriend or girlfriend or might want to take the step of getting married.

When the person is ready to be in a committed relationship, he or she might ask themselves questions about why they want to be with their boyfriend or girlfriend. If he or she answers the questions honestly, the fear might gradually disappear overtime. However, if being in the relationship is out of convenience, deception, or just to fulfill certain needs, the fear of marriage will be stronger. Moreover, a person with or untreated gamophobia must be willing to change and let go of the fear of marriage. Here are resources about commitment and gamophobia. 

9 Questions to Ask Before Committing to a Relationship:

Commitment in Relationships:

What is Gamophobia?

Fear of Marriage:

* Free Clip art of man and woman holding hands:

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