Tuesday, February 1, 2022

National Optimist Day

According to Roy T. Bennett, “Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.” Every first Thursday of February is National Optimist Day. To feel optimistic begins with your inner chatter. Also, to have gratitude to feel positivity in your life. Yet, there is more to it than to think positively.

Often being in the wrong job will make you realize how unhealthy it is for your mental health. Having a good attitude might not be enough when you are in a negative work environment. Accept the negative situation and make a change in your work field. In every situation accept change and work around the positive aspect. Have hope that every change will make a difference in your attitude. 

Additionally, do not get discouraged when something negative occurs in your life. There will be times when you are faced with people who judge, have jealousy, or act distinguished from others; Do not let them make you feel nonexistent, worthless, or shameful of yourself. Instead, be yourself and be careful in having celebrities as role models. Accept your individualism. Do things you enjoy such as coffee breaks, tea breaks, self-care, hobbies, or other things that make you feel good. 

Practicing positivity eventually will be second nature to you. Cultivate a positive outlook for yourself and your family. Teach them that chores can be fun with positive thinking. Doing chores without thinking negatively makes them have a good attitude. Here is a list of ways to feel optimistic. 

1. Say or write down the good things that happened to you. 

2. Make a thank-you jar and read it to yourself when you need to feel motivated. 

3. Make a collage of the things that make you feel positive. 

4. Write positive affirmations to help you feel confident.  

5. Use mantras to calm your negative thoughts and focus. 

6. Practice mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and exercise to have a positive mindset. 

7. Make a vision board for thinking positively about accomplishing your objectives. 

8. Write or say positive quotes to yourself and your family. 

9. For every failure, compliment or forgive yourself but continue to improve yourself. 

10. Be kind to yourself and walk away from negative situations. 

Optimism trains your brain and body to feel good. It might not get rid of all illnesses but it will help your body recover from them. Therefore, think positively at work, at home, or at volunteer work. As an optimistic person, you might see a bad day as an experience, awakening, and like something, you bump into. Below are links for more ways to feel positive. 

National Optimist Day 2021-10 Quotes to See the Bright Side of Life:

National Optimist Day 2021: 10 Quotes To See The Bright Side Of Life (ibtimes.com)

7 Ways to Increase Optimism and Reduce Anxiety Every Day-Healthline:

7 Ways to Increase Optimism and Reduce Anxiety Every Day (healthline.com)

Optimism-Psychology Today:

Optimism | Psychology Today

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