Thursday, February 3, 2022

Tips & Ghosting

Ghosting is a problematic aspect of online dating. Yet, it has increased throughout the years because it is a way to escape from dealing with the truth. A person automatically ghosts someone online because of low self-esteem, fear, and not being able to face the person with honesty. Therefore, a person might find ghosting a quick way to end an online relationship with someone. Ghosting is a form of emotional abuse.

The probability of preventing ghosting is to a lesser extent due to online dating, online applications, and anywhere you can chat online. Twenty-five percent of people have been ghosted online. Ghosting someone does not mean that the person did not like you. In fact, it has to do with the person’s confidence and lack of communication. After a person has been ghosted, he or she can do the following.

  1. Send a quick message or a reply to the person that ghosted you.
  2. Do not send multiple text messages or e-mails.
  3. If there is no explanation for his or her ghosting, then move on.
  4. Do not take it personally if he or she ghosted you.
  5. Allow time to heal from being ghosted.
  6. Do not continue with the friendship with the person who ghosted you.
  7. Do not stalk the person that ghosted you which includes viewing their profiles, sending messages under an alias, or doing prank telephone calls.
  8. Do not follow the same behavior pattern from the person that ghosted you.
  9. If you do not understand the person’s explanation, ask questions but not too many.
  10. Respect yourself and your mental health. 

Recognizing the signs of ghosting is important in any new and old relationship. A person might send one sentence, one word, or a song to end the relationship. Furthermore, a person might not reply after a month or a year after receiving a text message. Yet, a person would avoid certain topics weeks before ghosting someone. He or she might be unavailable, busy, and leave the relationship in silence. 

Ghosting someone shows that he or she did not care after you dated. Additionally, it shows the lack of communication, connection, or chemistry there was in the relationship. Ghosting does not occur when there is open and honest communication between him or her. If it does occur, it was a one-sided relationship, out of convenience, or other issues the person could not deal with. Here are more resources about ghosting and how to deal with it. 

6 Ways to Deal with the Pain of Being Ghosted-Psychology Today: 

6 Ways to Deal With the Pain of Being Ghosted | Psychology Today

14 Reasons Why People Ghost and How to Get Over Being Ghosted:

14 Reasons Why People Ghost (+ How To Get Over Being Ghosted) (

How to Cope with Being Ghosted-Very Well Mind:

How to Cope With Being Ghosted (

How to Avoid Being Ghosted, according to an Expert:

How To Avoid Being Ghosted, According To An Expert (

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