Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Relaxation Day 2023

Every August 15th is National Relaxation Day. This day is about finding ways to relax at work and home. It is also a day to reflect on how you can relax daily besides relaxing on this special day. National Relaxation Day began with a fourth grader Sean Moeller in 1985. A day dedicated to not doing anything of importance and simply to feel serene.

Relaxing is about feeling calm emotionally, physically, and mentally which often you might take for granted. Listening to music at work is one way to relax but it depends on what type of music is being played. Furthermore, there are some offices or business settings that might play the wrong type of music while their employee’s work. Keep in mind that some types of music might be better for a different type of environment and not for a business setting. Some types of music might make it difficult to concentrate, hear, or not feel distracted while at work.

However, if you are at home and want to create a relaxing atmosphere, you can play music that makes you feel less anxious or nervous. Make lemonade, iced tea, or any other drink you like to drink to help you relax while you listen to music peacefully. Yet, if you are at work find music that makes you feel awake and that stimulates your brain but does not disturb other employees. It is recommended to play music without words so you can do office work, especially if you must use the telephone to call clients or patients. In addition to music, always have healthier snacks to keep you awake when you feel sleepy in the afternoon. 

Another way to relax at work is by always stretching your arms and legs when you tend to sit for too long on an office chair. Drink plenty of water and hydrating drinks to wake you up from those long stressful work hours. Use reed diffusers with essential oils and have them on the side of your office desk to make you feel energized, and alert, and to concentrate. Meditate or use a mindfulness app for five minutes during your lunch break. Wash your face before you go back to work.

At home, you can remove your shoes and put on your comfortable shoes or socks. Then you can quietly observe nature by looking out your living room window. You can also watch television, read magazines, or blog posts that make you feel inspired. Do things that make you feel relaxed instantly. Silent your cell phone without worrying who might call you or text you.

Relaxation must be included as part of your lifestyle. Relax for five minutes or an hour depending on what you do to feel serene. Lay on a hammock, spend time in your swimming pool, or sit on your recliner as you observe nature. Happy National Relaxation Day! Here are resources about National Relaxation Day. 


8 Things to Do on National Relaxation Day:

8 Things to Do on National Relaxation Day (And Why You Should) - Soothe

7 Ways to Help Employees Unwind on National Relaxation Day-Total Wellness Health:

7 Ways to Help Employees Unwind on National Relaxation Day (totalwellnesshealth.com)

* Font, backgrounds, and border from PiZap

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