Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Romance Awareness Month


Romance Awareness Month is in August every year. This is a month to remind you to get closer to your partner or spouse. It is a month dedicated to strengthening your relationship. You can improve your relationship by being honest and having an open communication with them. Additionally, this can help you to listen to your partner more.

Be available for your partner and get to know them more with patience. Let them know how much you care for them, be affectionate, and be kind to them. If your partner is not affectionate, disapproves of everything, or always has something negative to say; These issues may not always have to be about you. Yet, it does make it complicated to get to know your partner. Respect your partner and be affectionate when it is the appropriate time.

Communicate with your partner frequently but without provoking more tension in them. Not everyone has the same love language which makes it difficult to understand your partner. Your partner might be struggling with their physical and mental health as well as their workload. This causes them to be irrational, angry, and mean to you without any reason. Often you believe your partner will change for the better or you blame it all on yourself.

Moreover, you might feel guilty, pressured, or distance yourself from your partner because of their different moods. Most of the time you might feel you know your partner too well; Yet it is not always like that. As the relationship lasts longer, both of you begin to change depending on the circumstances and the personal events that occur within the relationship. Forgiveness is another topic that is hard to discuss with your partner especially if they are not willing to accept your forgiveness. But the toughest thing to do is leaving your partner when it is a one-sided relationship, when there was no love at all, or your partner doesn't care about you.

Romance awareness month is about learning about your partner and their love language. It is about respecting, compromising, and communicating what you like about them. This month take your time to encourage your partner with honesty, positivity, and with genuine kindness. Find solutions to your everyday struggles as a couple. Go to therapy as a couple if you have a hard time controlling your emotions, controlling your behavior, and eliminating your negativity towards your partner.

Find ways to be affectionate with your partner. Be creative, enthusiastic, and learn your partner's physical touch language. If your partner is upset and avoids physical contact; Speak to them regarding this matter in a gentle manner. Do not assume your partner does not love you or if someone else is in their life. Make sure your partner has full confidence and trust in you.

Being in a relationship requires time, patience, and knowing that your partner is always there for you. Romance must not be considered a chore. It must be spontaneous, exciting, and most of all it must be authentic to feel true love with your partner. Take each day to improve yourself and your relationship with your partner. Here are websites about romance awareness month. 

Seven Tips to Enhance Romance:

Relationship Help:

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* Font from Pizap 

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