Saturday, April 13, 2019

Beef Fajita Pita Bread with Spinach & Asparagus

Eating Asparagus and Spinach will give you energy and you will feel less tired. If you have anemia, Asparagus and Spinach have iron and fiber. Asparagus has vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, and iron. One of the benefits of Asparagus is that it aids in digestion and lowers your blood pressure. Spinach also has vitamin C, vitamin K, and iron. Besides the iron content, Spinach protects the eyes, improves the blood pressure, and controls diabetes and helps with anemia. 

Eating beef once or twice a week will help you get some iron and protein. Protein helps your body build muscles and sends the necessary minerals to the blood. Beef has magnesium, B vitamins, and iron. By absorbing B vitamins, you will have more energy throughout the day. Here is the recipe for making beef fajitas with spinach inside pita bread and asparagus on the side. 

1 Beef Breakfast Steak 
1 Red Bell Pepper
1 Lemon
A few  Cilantro or Coriander leaves
1 White or Yellow Onion
Lemon and Pepper Seasoning
Chile and Lime Seasoning Blend
A few Spinach leaves or 1 can of Spinach
1 Beef Bouillon
A few pieces of  asparagus  or 1 can of Asparagus
One or more Pita bread
Salt (Optional)

First, wash the meat. Then, cut the meat in small slices. After that add Lemon and Pepper with the Chile Lime Seasoning. Mix the meat with the seasonings. Set the meat on one side of the counter. 

Wash one red bell pepper and remove the seeds. Cut the bell pepper in small long slices. After that peel an onion and chop the onion in small long slices. Then add the cilantro leaves.  Next, in one skillet, add the onions, bell peppers, and cilantro leaves.

First, cook the meat in the slow heat setting.  Add water and one beef bouillon to the skillet. Gradually add more heat and more water if needed while the meat is cooking with the vegetables. While the meat is cooking, wash the asparagus and cut the bottom stems. Next, cook the asparagus in one pot or use one can of Asparagus.  Then in another pot cook the spinach leaves or use one can of Spinach. 

There is no need to add salt to the asparagus or to the spinach if you are using the canned vegetables. Once everything is cooked, open one pita bread. Insert the meat, bell peppers, onions, and spinach inside the pita bread. Place a small amount of Asparagus on the side. Wash one lemon and cut the lemon in small slices. Then, add two lemon slices on the side. This recipe serves two or more people.

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