Friday, April 19, 2019

National Stress Awareness Month

Since 1992 Stress Awareness Month was created to understand what causes stress and what can be done to reduce it. First, find out what triggers your stress. There are three main types of stress. Stress can be Acute, Episodic, and Chronic. Each type of stress is treated in different ways and has different symptoms.

One type of stress is caused by the daily demands and pressures of the past and of the present which is called Acute Stress. The second type of stress is called Episodic Acute Stress which is due to too much worrying and have too much to do. The third type of stress is called Chronic Stress which is stress that continues and there is no conclusion. Second, take care of yourself. Talk about your problems to a psychologist, to a friend, or a family member.

Then, have a spa day at a local spa or make your own spa day at home. Nonetheless, find time to take a break to relax. Third, exercise and have a journal to write down the items that might be causing your worries. Get support, advice, and manage your time. Here are more resources for Stress Awareness Month. 

Stress Awareness Month:

Five Tips to manage your response to stress:

7 Tips for Preventing and Managing Stress:

3 Types of Stress Health Hazards:

Photo by Andre Furtado from Pexels

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