Sunday, November 22, 2020

National Gratitude Month (November)

This year National Gratitude Month is somewhat different because of the pandemic. Yet, this should not stop you from saying “Thank you” to the people who have helped you grow and become the person you are now. Writing thank you e-mails might seem impersonal, but it does make a difference to the person who is receiving the e-mail. Another way to practice gratitude is by adding thank you quotes to the personalized e-mails that you can send to your co-worker, friends, and acquaintances. Also, explain why you chose that specific thank you quote to that person in an e-mail or a private message on social media.

The other way to say thank you is by writing a personal thank you list for the items you are thankful for this year. The thank you list can also help you write the thank you e-mail to the people you want to say thank you. Also, if you want to add your voice, you can send a thank you video to your friends, family, acquaintances. Make sure you know exactly what you are going to say in the thank you video before sending it to the person. Another tip is to practice several times what you are going to say in the video.

Practicing what you are going to say will help you not feel uncomfortable, awkward, and nervous before making the video. You can also take a picture video and write what you want to say to your friends and family. Saying thank you is not hard to say but you must feel it internally to say it. Last, you can participate in a thank you challenge on social media by writing a brief list or taking a photo of what you are thankful for without including personal details. Here are more resources about National Gratitude Month. 

National Gratitude Month-The Art of Expressing Gratitude:

November is National Gratitude Month:

8 Gratitude Traditions for November:

* Free fonts and borders from Pizap

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