Sunday, March 10, 2024

Flaxseed Banana Smoothie

Banana smoothies with flaxseed make a quick drink for breakfast or as a snack. Flaxseed is beneficial for your digestive system especially if you have constipation. It helps lower bad cholesterol levels. Flaxseed can be added to yogurts, smoothies, and salad dressings. Before adding flaxseed to your diet, consult with your doctor. 

Flaxseed stays in the digestive tract as it absorbs water so the body can make bowel movements. It has fiber which helps the digestive system. As well as being a stool softener to make it more comfortable to have bowel movement. It is recommended to drink water and to consume flaxseed in moderation because of the laxative effect. However, flaxseed oil is not recommended before having surgery. 

The benefits of flaxseed are endless. However, one main benefit is that it is good for the cardiovascular system. Besides being good for the digestive system, it can reduce inflammation. It has omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, copper, vitamin E, and other vitamins and minerals. Here is a recipe for making this flaxseed banana smoothie. 


Ripe Bananas

Ground Flaxseed






Preparation and Smoothie Time:

In a blender add sliced bananas and milk. Add Ginger powder, Cardamom, Cinnamon, and Nutmeg. Then add two spoons of ground flaxseed to blend in your smoothie. Blend everything until it is smooth. Serve immediately. 

Flaxseed may help with Diabetes and may prevent certain cancers. It lowers blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol. It may help improve your sleep. If you are pregnant consult with your doctor before consuming flaxseed. Nonetheless, here are resources about the benefits of flaxseed. 


Flaxseeds-Benefits, Nutrition, and Risks-Health:

Flaxseeds: Benefits, Nutrition, and Risks (

Flaxseed-9 Health Benefits and How to Eat-Healthline:

Flaxseed: 9 Health Benefits and How to Eat (

6 Health Benefits of Flaxseeds-Eating Well:

6 Health Benefits of Flaxseeds (

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