Monday, March 25, 2024

Sea Scallops (Recipe)

Are you looking for a simple recipe with sea scallops? It has omega-3 fatty acids which is beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Sea scallops can help with lowering your blood pressure. It can help the nervous system. Here is the recipe for making this for your lunch or for your dinner. 


Sea scallops




Light vinaigrette or other salad dressing 

Sunflower seeds 

One lemon

Plant based butter or light butter 



Garlic powder 

Ground black pepper 


Parsley (optional)

Preparation and Cooking Time:

Begin by adding lemon juice on the scallops. Add Rosemary, Garlic powder, Black pepper, Tarragon, and Parsley. The parsley is optional. Then, in one skillet cook the scallops in medium heat with a plant-based butter or light butter. Cook each side of the scallops until it is golden brown. 

Slice cucumbers, radishes, and tomatoes to make the salad. After that add light vinaigrette. Last, add sunflower seeds. Then serve the scallops and the salad in a salad bowl or on a plate. This meal serves two people. 

Serve immediately. Sea scallops have Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Copper, and Phosphorus. It is a reliable source of protein. Consuming scallops is beneficial for your skeletal system. Always consult with your primary doctor before consuming scallops because of shellfish allergies and if you are pregnant. 

Scallops can also be cooked in olive oil. However, do not cook scallops for too long because they tend to shrink when they are on the skillet. If you are using frozen scallops, defrost it and rinse in chilly water. Also, if you are using scallops in a shell, rinse it in chilly water. Here are websites about the benefits of scallops. 

What are Scallops-Everything You Need to Know-Southern Living:

What Are Scallops? Everything You Need To Know (

Scallops: Are They Good for You-Pros and Cons, Nutrition Information, and More-Web MD:

Scallops: Are They Good for You? Pros and Cons, Nutrition Information, and More (

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