Thursday, March 7, 2024

Meditating with Positivity (National Optimism Month 2024)

Achieving optimism is a slow and prolonged process in which meditation can help. Meditation assists in feeling positive energy and helps you to stop complaining. Complaining occurs when there is built-up anger. Also, having dissatisfaction especially if you had elevated expectations towards your accomplishments. Yet, complaining can also be due to being nonresistant with one's thoughts and being self-expressive. 

Although complaining makes you have a negative mood; Complaining happens when you have too much aggression that needs to be released. When negative emotions continue developing, often one must slow down by meditating. Meditating with positivity permits you to release those emotions. Release is the fifth stage of meditation which is one challenge when one does meditation. Sometimes skipping release in meditation might not help because of the continuous nourishment of negative thoughts. 

Release meditation can be done by closing your eyes and saying a mantra for five minutes. This can be done lying down or in a comfortable sitting position. This part of meditation can be tough if you get sleepy. Nevertheless, if you fall asleep or take a five-minute nap, try to refocus on your mantra. However, if you do sleep for a longer time; Do not feel guilty because your body needs rest.

Concentrate on saying a mantra or use a positive affirmation such as "I release my sadness." Additionally, meditate with your eyes open when you let go of negative thoughts. Furthermore, visualize yourself in a comfortable and joyful vacation place. Use your senses and concentrate on your breathing. For example, playing instrumental nature sounds to help you relax with aromatherapy or incense. 

Hold a crystal, a stone, or a flower as you continue to do breathing exercises and say mantras. Use positive affirmations to let go of fear, sadness, and resentment. Also, practice forgiveness by forgiving yourself and others. Tell yourself, “I forgive anyone who hurt me emotionally," I release my fears and negative feelings that prevent me from feeling optimistic." Here is a brief list of positive affirmations to release negative thoughts. 

  1. I release all my fears and strengthen my courage. 
  2. I release my resentments, guilt, and worries. 
  3. I release my sadness and welcome happiness in my life. 
  4. I release my failures, errors, and mistakes. 
  5. I believe in myself and let go of hurtful words.
  6. I can forgive myself as I let go of my mistakes. 
  7. I release my pessimistic thoughts and hope for the best.
  8. I let go of disappointment, dissatisfaction, and feeling insufficient. 
  9. I release my complaints, my anger, and my bad mood. 
  10. I let my pessimistic thoughts float without retaining them. 

In addition to positive affirmations, you can observe how your body feels when you meditate. You might feel goosebumps, nervous twitches, or feel pressured to finish meditating without doing a meditation release. Let go of the things that hold you back by writing them down on a piece of paper and folding it. If you are meditating in your garden, you can place the folded paper in a bowl and burn it. After that, you can have another bowl of water and a floating candle to gaze at. 

Meditate with intention. Find a purpose to meditate which is the first stage of meditation. Second, meditate by concentrating on what you want to accomplish through meditation. Concentration is the second stage of meditation. This might be challenging because of distractions. 

The third stage is the perception and practice of self-awareness. It might not be easy to meditate with positivity; Yet being more aware of one's thoughts and doing observations can help you to listen to your intuition. The fourth stage is susceptible. You might feel the need to hold onto pessimistic thoughts and feel sensitive to your self-talk. Therefore, it is necessary to release meditation to feel free from unnecessary preoccupations.

It is best to find a balance between your pessimistic and your optimistic thoughts. Think realistic and be self-compassionate. You may not always feel optimistic but striving for positive energy can help you cope with unpleasant events. Meditating with positivity permits you to release what stops you from being happier. Here are resources about optimism. 


Guided Meditation for Positive Energy-Declutter the Mind:

Guided Meditation for Positive Energy - Declutter The Mind

Make Optimism Your Way of Life-The Art of Living: 

Make Optimism Your Way of Life | The Art of Living

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