Monday, May 27, 2019

Lemongrass Essential Oil for Pain

Lemongrass essential oil may help relieve anxiety and depression. When inhaling this scent, Lemongrass releases a chemical property that helps lift your mood and gets rid of headaches. By adding a few drops of Lemongrass essential oil to a carrier oil such as Coconut, Jojoba, and Avocado oil. Then, massage the oil onto your Temporalis. Lemongrass essential oil can also be used as an air freshener when it is used in a diffuser. 

Lemongrass essential oil can be added to a plain unscented body lotion. This essential oil can improve circulation and give relief to sore muscles. It kills any bacteria that causes breakouts onto the skin due to its antibacterial properties. Before using any essential oil consult with your dermatologist. Here are more resources about Lemongrass essential oil.  

Courtesy Photo by Mã Minh from Pexels

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