Thursday, March 5, 2020

March is National Nutrition Month

In 1973, National Nutrition week awareness began in March. National Nutrition awareness is important for our health and for our state of mind. Eating a good meal is beneficial for the twelve systems in the body, particularly the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous system. Later, the National Nutrition Awareness Week was expanded to a month. Since 1980 National Nutrition Month was developed to bring awareness in making satisfactory eating habits and making beverage selections for our overall health. 

By making adequate decisions, you will have a good blood pressure level, regulate your sugar levels, and have more energy. In order to begin a new healthy eating habit, you must gradually get rid of your inadequate eating habits. Additionally, starting a meal plan in a planner can make a huge difference in making the right eating habits. Including more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein can keep you satisfied and have fewer food cravings. Avoiding sugar beverages and not adding sugar to your coffee or tea will keep your sugar stabilized. 

Info-graphic from

Instead, drink more water, eat more protein, and manage your stress to stop any food cravings. Learning how to eat right will come naturally over time. Read food labels carefully. Taking a weight management class or talking to a dietitian also helps to learn about nutrition.  Here are more resources about National Nutrition Month. 

National Nutrition Month:

31 Ways to Celebrate National Nutrition Month:

National Nutrition Month:

10 Simple Ways to Start Eating Healthier This Year:

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