Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Three Recommendations on How to Work From Home

Working from home gives you more time to take care of your family.  It creates less stress for you and less time worrying about your family. Also, you can create your own schedule to work from home. You can work at your own pace.  Before you begin your work at home, keep in mind these three recommendations.

The first recommendation is to find a quiet room or a corner in the living room. Dust a desk to set up your computer and other work equipment. Make sure there is enough lighting. Add a portable radio, CD player, or an iPod so you can listen to music while you work. Use a headphone set if needed. 

Second, tell your family members that live with you about your work schedule. Next, use a planner to make your own work schedule and include your break time. Working from home should not be too stressful. Third, spend some quality time with your family during your break from working at home. Your family will understand and will appreciate you more.

It is necessary to separate your work problems and your problems at home. Try to stay positive. Always take notes when you receive information from your boss through the telephone. At the end of the day make a to-do list of the items that need to get done for the next day. Here are resources to help you work from home. 

23 Essential Tips for Working Remotely:

20 Tips for Working From Home:

5 Tips for Staying Productive While You're Working From Home:

Remote Working Tools: 

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