Friday, March 13, 2020

Spring Time To-Do List

Making to-do lists is important to organize your priorities. It helps you stick to your schedule. To-do lists should have a starting date and a due date to complete the task. You can have more than one list. One list can have all of your chores, appointments, and other items. 

Using numbers or bullets also helps to sort your duties at home and at work. Make one to-do list for the items that need to be done at home. Next, make another to-do list for work or for college. Use different colored pens to write your list. Although there are apps to create a to-do list,  sometimes writing it down helps to remember the tasks that need to be done for that day or for the week.

Do not feel guilty if you add assignments that you love to do on your to-do list. Here are more resources about to-do lists. Below, I have created three to-do lists that can be printed and colored. Each to-do list has flowers drawn by hand and other design elements. These to-do lists are free and for your personal use only. 

Benefits of To-Do Lists-Robins Key:

How Writing To-Do Lists Helps Your Brain Even When You Don't Complete:

Why Keeping a To-Do List is So Important and How to Get Started:

* Free Font and Border from Pizap

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