Monday, June 21, 2021

A Resource for Domestic Violence

Being in a relationship with verbal abuse at an early age is not something people would admit to any friend or lifetime partner. It might take years for a person to recognize the pain that carried into new relationships and old relationships. No matter how hard it is to accept that you were in an abusive relationship whether it was verbally, physically, or with violence; Do not think it is your fault for letting it happen to you. It will take time to overcome those experiences and not let them occur to you again. People might not see the pain, the hurt, and other feelings trapped inside.

You might want to change your appearance because of the person who is verbally abusing you. Your clothing style might change, you might wear more make-up or less make-up, or you might put on clothes that your abuser tells you to wear. Your self-esteem might be lower. Yet, there are so many ways a person can be abusing you without realizing it. If you fear for your safety, seek help immediately, report it, get a restraining order, and leave that violent environment.

Also, people might not know that you once experienced domestic violence in your home or in a public place. Do not feel shame or blame yourself. Domestic violence can occur to anyone. It can be a family member, your friend, your spouse, or the person you are dating or dated in the past. No matter who it is do not let yourself manipulated by listening to them. If you are in an abusive relationship or suspect you are, here is a link to a guide with resources that someone recommended to me. 

Knowing the warning signs of an abusive relationship will help you not get into a troubled relationship and will help you leave a relationship if you are in that situation. Do not trust the person that is abusing you. After you have left that abusive relationship, seek therapy for managing your emotions and feelings. Talk to someone or to a group of people that might have experienced something like your experiences. Do not feel less of a person and continue being brave especially if you have children to protect. 

A Guide to Domestic Violence and Getting Help: 

* Free fonts, backgrounds, and artwork made in PiZap

* This is not a paid sponsored blog post. I do not endorse or give legal advice. This blog post is to bring awareness for Domestic Violence only. 

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