Monday, June 7, 2021

National Iced Tea Day

The entire month of June is considered the hottest and busiest time. It is the beginning of summer and the perfect time to drink iced tea.  National Tea Month is celebrated in June. Also, National Ice Tea Day is celebrated every year on June 10th. Here is a short list to celebrate National Iced Tea Day and National Tea Month. 

1. Choose a new flavor or your favorite tea to make iced tea. 

2. Add fruits to your iced tea if you want to make it sweeter without adding sugar. 

3. Make mini vegetable sandwiches with your favorite bread to go with your iced tea. 

4. Choose a specific time to make your iced tea especially if you are using tea bags to make it. 

5. Set up your dining table with a different table cloth, different glass cups, or a different centerpiece decor. 

6. Drink your iced tea slowly. 

7. Make a cheese board with cheese, fruits, and nuts to go with your iced tea. 

8. Set aside an hour to drink your iced tea without any interruptions from electronic devices. 

The possibilities are endless to celebrate National Tea Month and National Iced Tea Day. Make sure you have made plenty of ice at home to have your iced tea day. Drinking one unsweetened iced tea will help you lose weight. Also, drinking one unsweetened iced tea can replace one soda if you are giving up on drinking sodas.  Here are links for National Tea Month. 

5 Ways to Celebrate National Hot Tea Month:

10 Best Tea Brands that Keep Our Southern Hearts Happy:

June is National Iced Tea Month:

 * Free fonts, borders, and more from PiZap

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