Thursday, October 7, 2021

Effects of Domestic Violence (National Domestic Violence Awareness)

The consequences of being abused by your partner are devastating for the entire family. Not only is it hard to see the physical abuse, but it is also hard to see the emotional pain that one carries inside. If a child witnesses verbal and physical abuse from a mother or father, it leaves a mental and emotional scar. It will take time to see the effects of domestic violence. Over time, the emotional distress will evolve negatively. 

When a person is verbally and physically abused, fear is the first outcome. Being afraid to be with other people is very common after being abused. Isolation is brought on by the fear of being abused. Therefore, having fear also brings nervousness. Depression and anger might set in different ways. 

Depending on how the person was abused, he or she must go through several therapy sessions. Most of the time the sessions are done individually and with the family. It might be hard to open up to the therapist and the psychologist. Yet, having the family participate in the group sessions, will give support to him or her. As well as doing therapy sessions with the child that witnessed the domestic violence. 

The therapy sessions for the child are done according to their comprehension and age level. A child who witnesses domestic violence will also be impacted. The child might get angry, sad, and withdraw from others. As well as being nervous and afraid when he or she is near the abuser. Nevertheless, there is still hope for the child to grow in a positive and happier environment. 

The therapist is important for the person and the child to feel comfortable in talking about their feelings. By having a therapist and psychologist, he or she will understand their emotions. Although it will be a long healing process, the child can develop in a healthy environment. Whereas for the mother or father who was abused, it might be a much longer process to heal. Here are resources about the effects of domestic violence. 

Domestic Violence Hotline:

Understanding the Effects of Domestic Violence:

Understanding the Effects of Domestic Violence (

Effects of Domestic Violence on Children-Office on Women's Health:

Effects of domestic violence on children | Office on Women's Health (

Effects of Domestic Violence, Domestic Abuse on Women and Children: 

Effects of Domestic Violence, Domestic Abuse on Women and Children | HealthyPlace

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