Friday, October 21, 2022

Different Types of Bullying

There are different types of bullying that parents are not aware of until it happens. Bullying leaves emotional and physical scars that a child might not always overcome psychologically. It makes them feel there is something wrong with them. Most of the time, bullying is not managed and monitored in schools or daycares. Therefore it is critical for more awareness for National Bullying Month.  

The familiar form of bullying is through cyberspace. Cyberbullying continues at a young age and it is impossible to end it on the internet. Also, there is verbal bullying. Hateful messages online or nasty comments that make them feel bad about themselves. Yet, there is also sexual bullying which some parents are not aware of. 

Sexual bullying is the worst kind of bullying for anyone to endure. This type of bullying leads to child abuse especially if the bully is older than the child or teen. Sexual bullying occurs through sexting or sending nude pictures to the bully. Additionally, the bully sometimes uses those nude pictures for keeping the teen or child quiet. The bully has more power and control over the person he or she is bullying. 

Other times the bully forces them to be intimate which leads to rape. It makes the bully feel tough thinking that he or she can do anything without getting caught. The bully might do sexual comments or sexual jokes to them. Similarly, he or she might post videos or images of sexual bullying. Last, he or she might send them to their classmates for entertainment purposes. 

The other form of bullying is by excluding someone from a group, team, or club. Sadly, some can not endure the pain caused by bullying which makes them end their life. Every year in  October and throughout the year, parents should be informed about bullying prevention. The color orange is used for National Bullying Month. Below are websites about bullying. 

Pacer Kids Against Bullying-Join the Cause-Awareness Month:

Stop Bullying:

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Bullying:

Common Types of Bullying:

*Fonts and artwork made in Photo Collage Editor

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