Sunday, April 23, 2023

Alcoholism & Sleep (National Alcohol Awareness Month)

Consuming too much alcohol makes anyone to have a loss of memory and lose control of their behavior. Also, alcohol changes a person's mood and creates sleep disturbances. It has been a major cause of concern especially at college fraternities, night clubs, and other public events. Alcoholism makes the brain have a constant craving which requires medications to lessen the craving. The craving and emotional problems need to be addressed with therapy, self-care, medications, and family support. 

Sleep Apnea, insomnia, and other sleep disorders get worse with alcohol. Alcohol cannot be mixed with medications because of the side effects and chemical reactions in the body. Therefore, it is vital to seek professional therapy and medical help to end alcoholism. Alcoholism has increased since 2021 among the elderly and the youth. It is a serious matter that needs to be managed with patience, care, and with supportive family members. 

Withdrawing from alcohol additionally makes someone have insomnia, sleep apnea, or other sleep disorders. The craving for alcohol gets more intense as one withdraws from it which creates alcohol withdrawal symptoms. The symptoms are sweating, rapid heartbeats, restlessness, anxiety, hallucinations, trembling, agitation, and sleep problems. In severe cases, it can cause seizures, vomiting, irritability, and nausea. Eliminating alcohol and addictions requires acceptance and asking for help to end alcoholism. 

Detox from alcohol along with therapy and medical intervention. Make a sleep schedule and follow it while you are withdrawing from alcohol. Use your room for sleep and remove your electronic devices. Drink water throughout the day and eat healthier. Do self-care before going to sleep such as a warm bath, reading a book, aromatherapy, or other items you enjoy. 

Write in a notebook if you cannot sleep. Do not give in to your cravings and keep your mind busy. Exercise to relax. Manage your emotions with the help of a behavioral therapist or professional counselor. Let your body and mind relax with your favorite hobbies.

Do not forget your motivations for quitting alcohol and other addictions. Sleep is necessary for your decision-making, concentration, and for your health. While you withdraw from alcohol, you might feel tired, confused, and unable to make good decisions. Ask for professional advice for improving your sleep as you withdraw from alcohol. Forgive yourself.

Permit yourself to receive the necessary advice and intervention. Decline attending events that only have liquor. Resist the urge to drink alcohol before going to sleep. Replace your craving for alcohol by distracting yourself. Eat healthier by eating seafood, chicken, and other sources of protein. 

Get evaluated for mineral and vitamin deficiency. Alcohol dehydrates and depletes your body from vitamins and minerals. Incorporate nuts and leafy green vegetables. Avoid taking naps while you withdraw from alcohol. Control your mood with a therapist and with a self-care routine. 

Wear a red ribbon to support National Alcohol Awareness Month. Be informed about helping yourself or someone who is struggling with alcoholism. Moreover, alcohol is not the solution for solving any issue. It is not an excuse for being intimate with someone. Alcohol is not a reasonable excuse for domestic violence, assault, or attacking someone inappropriately. 

National Alcohol Awareness Month is dedicated to informing, educating, and finding solutions to end alcoholism. Alcoholism affects the brain, sleep, behavior, and the entire body. It is necessary to treat alcoholism and a person's mental health. Chronic alcoholism and dependency on alcohol is devasting for families and friends. Here are websites about alcoholism and sleep. 

Alcoholism Treatment-Insomnia:

Alcohol and Sleep:

Health Effects of Alcohol:,drinking%20disrupts%20your%20sleep%20cycle.&text=Some%20people%20may%20find%20alcohol,sleep%20quality%20through%20the%20night.

*  Artwork made in Photo Collage Editor 

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