Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Cancer Control Month

Since 1943 Cancer Control Month has been observed in April. President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared Cancer Control Month to prevent, detect, and inform everyone about cancer. This month is dedicated to knowing the risk factors of cancer. Also, knowing when to get screened for cancer and doing follow-up appointments if needed. This month also brings a better understanding of the importance of getting screened, informed, and knowing the treatments that are available for combating cancer.


The risk factors are age, genetics, smoking, alcohol, stress, and environmental factors. Exposure to chemicals, exposure to HPV, and being overweight are considerable risk factors. It is recommended to change your lifestyle if you smoke or drink alcohol to reduce your risk. Also, changing your eating habits by eating less junk food. Learning to eat healthier, exercising, and to reduce your stress is a valuable habit to do.


Notice any changes in your weight, appetite, and bowel movements. Inspect your skin and look for lumps or moles. Learn to do a breast self-exam in the shower or laying down. Get vaccinated for hepatitis when you are nineteen years old and when you are fifty-nine years old. Do yoga, hula-hoop, jump rope, or any other form of exercise to lose weight or to maintain a healthy weight.

If you consume alcohol limit your alcohol drink to one glass of wine or another alcoholic cocktail. Get your yearly medical exam and get enough sleep. Wear sunscreen and a hat when you go outside to do your daily activities. Add more vegetables to your meals and consume less processed meats. Manage your anxiety with aromatherapy, creating art, or other hobbies.

Consult with your doctor about your risk factors and how to prevent cancer. Get a mammogram, colonoscopy, pap smear, and other recommended tests from your doctor. Additionally, spread awareness about preventing cancer during Cancer Control Month in social media. Donate to the National Foundation for Cancer Research to find a cure and create more treatments for beating cancer. Give support to someone who survived cancer and participate in the Cancer marathon event.

Every year in April, Cancer Control Month is acknowledged to support cancer research, detecting cancer, preventing cancer, and a better understanding of cancer. Also, to learn about chemotherapy, radiation, and other treatments to fight cancer. Furthermore, to support survivors with daffodils. Take care of your mental, physical, and emotional health while decreasing your stress. Here are resources about preventing cancer and Cancer Control Month. 

Cancer Prevention:

Cancer-Risk Factors:

Cancer Control Month-How You Can Make a Difference-National Foundation Cancer Research:

Cancer Control Month – How You Can Make a Difference - NFCR

The 10 Commandments of Cancer Prevention-Harvard Health Publishing-Harvard Health:

The 10 Commandments of Cancer Prevention - Harvard Health Publishing - Harvard Health

* Font from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

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