Thursday, April 27, 2023

College Tips

College is the best time to learn about your career. However, if you are unsure about what you want to do, you can speak to an academic advisor to discuss what you like and dislike. Your advisor can help you select what type of career you want to pursue such as a Teacher, Business Administrator, Nurse, Accountant, or other types of careers. Once you know what you like and want to do for a future job, you and your advisor will help you select the classes that you need. Then, together you can review the schedule of your classes. 

Also, if you do not want to start with your career classes as a first-year student; You can begin taking your general education classes. Your general education classes consist of math, English, science, history, art, and other classes that might help you select your career. Also, speak to a counselor about student loans, scholarships, and about working in your college as a student. As well as learning how to manage your work schedule and class schedule. The more you learn about your classes and managing your time; The less stressful it will be for you to graduate.

It is important to do self-care and to have some time to relax. Exercise during your break between classes. Relax by going to your college library for one hour by reading a random book. Take a yoga class in college if it is offered in your college. Practice yoga, mindfulness, or breathing exercises to relax before going to your next class. 

Before selecting a teacher for your classes, ask other students who they had as a teacher for the classes. Also, read online reviews about college classes and the teachers. This will help you a lot in terms of the amount of homework and the days of going to your classes. Purchase your books used especially if it is for your general education classes. Use a color code system for your binders, notebooks, and college supplies before going to class.

Eat healthier and make friends in your classes. Often you can have things in common with students who are studying the same career. Study together at the school cafeteria or the nearest coffee shop. Take care of your mental health. Speak to your college psychologist if are feeling frustrated, sad, or worried.

The first year of college is challenging. Yet, the key is to manage your time, and preparation, and discover what you want to do for a job. Learn about the services that your college offers such as babysitting, student jobs, tutoring, and special education. Save money on your clothes by purchasing at thrift stores or second-hand clothes. Share clothes with your siblings or wear their hand-me-down clothes. 

Have a monthly budget. Join or participate in your college events if you have time. Do your hobbies and favorite activities. Do not overload your college semester with too many classes. Focus on three or four classes per semester to have some free time between classes. 

The first year of college is the most crucial time to learn about your career and yourself. The first year is exciting, scary, and fun. Most of the time you might feel nervous going to class and nervous making new friends. But, by following these tips your first year in college will be amazing. Check out this infographic and more college tips from Ivy Panda Blog.

Infographic by Ivy Panda Blog

* Infographic by Ivy Panda Blog

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