Sunday, April 2, 2023

DIY Days of the Week Embroidery

The days of the week are a fun and long embroidery project to do. Embroidering the days of the week was fashionable during the nineteenth century when the red thread was used for embroidery. Redwork embroidery is considered vintage these days. However, you can still embroider with red thread and with many other colors for embroidery. Here is the tutorial for embroidering the days of the week.


Embroidery floss

Embroidery needles



Washable pen 

Letter stencil (optional)

Embroidering days of the week is a good project for practicing embroidery with letters. The days of the week embroidery is still popular today, especially with undergarments. You can use a free stencil maker or type the days of the week in your computer typing program. Print out the words and cut the letters with scissors. Then decide if you will embroider on the front or the back of the underwear. 

Make sure when you embroider, the thread does not make a knot in the inside part of the fabric. Untie the knot slowly and continue inserting the thread into the fabric. It is common for the thread to tangle itself and make knots. Yet, it takes time to embroider each letter without having knots. Embroidering the days of the week takes several days to complete an embroidery project especially when you are embroidering by hand. 

Trim the leftover threads. After embroidering the letters, you can embroider any shape on the side of the undergarment. For example, you can embroider a dragonfly, a heart, a sun, and a bow. Continue embroidering slowly to prevent tangled threads. In this example, “Monday" was embroidered in blue thread on the front side of the garment. 

Embroidering is useful for stress relief. Do not get frustrated about tangled embroidery floss. It takes a lot of patience to work with the fabric and make the stitches. But, once the project is complete, you can feel accomplished and relaxed. Below are website links about embroidering and a free letter stencil maker website.


DIY Days of the Week Undies-Homemade Banana:

DIY Days-of-the-Week Undies | HomemadeBanana

How to Embroider Letters by Hand (Part 1)-Wandering Threads Embroidery:

How to Embroider Letters by Hand {Part 1} - Wandering Threads Embroidery

Rapid Resizer Free Stencil Maker:

Free Stencil Maker (

* Fonts, borders, and collage from Photo Collage Editor Maker

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