Saturday, June 3, 2023

DIY Graphic T-shirt (French Travel)

If you like travel t-shirts or can’t find a graphic t-shirt in your size, then you may like this embroidery project. This is an upcycling t-shirt project because you will be reusing your denim fabric to decorate your t-shirt. Also, it is an embroidery t-shirt project if you like to embroider your t-shirts. This embroidery project requires some patience and lots of sewing. However, you can use Heat and Bond to glue the denim fabric. 

Yet, this t-shirt project requires some materials before making this graphic t-shirt design. Before, you make this graphic t-shirt, make sure you wash and dry the t-shirt. Then, iron the T-shirt if it needs to be ironed. But, after you are done doing this project, you will like wearing your handmade T-shirt. Here are the instructions for making this French travel graphic t-shirt. 


Embroidery floss thread

Embroidery hoop

Embroidery needle

Sewing needle

Sewing thread


Denim fabric




Begin by sewing holes in the t-shirt. Remove the t-shirt pocket if it has one and sew any holes from the remnant of the pocket. Use denim fabric to make a long rectangle. The rectangle fabric will be sewn onto another denim fabric to create an embroidered patch to sew. Print out the Eiffel Tower template from the free stencil gallery and cut the template with scissors.

Trace the template with a marker onto the denim fabric. Embroider the Eiffel Tower and sew sequins inside the embroidered area. Then, use a marker to write the words, “Paris” and “Bonjour”. Embroider the letters. After that add some sequins on one side of the embroidered Eiffel tower.

After that sew the embroidered denim fabric onto another denim rectangle. Sew the edges of each rectangle fabric before sewing them together. Next, sew the rectangle patch onto the center of a t-shirt. Using safety pins to keep the patch straight or use an embroidery hoop if you are sewing it by hand. Instead of sewing the patch, you can also use Heat and Bond or fabric glue.

Then sew sequins to cover the holes of the t-shirt. This embroidery project will take about five to seven days to do. Make sure you sew on a clean T-shirt. Below is the link for the Eiffel Tower template from the free stencil gallery. Have fun wearing your graphic travel French t-shirt.


Eiffel Tower Stencil-Free Stencil Gallery:

Eiffel Tower Stencil | Free Stencil Gallery

* Font and collage from Collage Photo Editor Maker

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