Thursday, June 8, 2023

Mint Salad with Dates

Mint is beneficial for brain function, digestion, and gives relief from pain, and may help with bad breath. Adding mint changes, the flavor of salads. Mint has potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. After eating mint in a salad, you may feel relaxed because it helps to reduce anxiety. It gives a refreshing aftertaste.

Dates can also be used to change your salad recipes.  Yet do not confuse dates with prunes. It is made from dry fruits and has a lighter color than prunes. Therefore, adding dates has healthy benefits for the skeletal system. As well as health benefits for the skin. 

If you want to vary your salad recipes, you can use mint and dates. Use a variety of vegetables to make your salad. For example, in this salad, you can add walnuts and a light vinaigrette salad dressing. However, you can use your favorite salad dressing or eat it without salad dressing. Here is the recipe for this crunchy and delicious mint salad. 


Sugar snap peas

Baby spinach

Baby carrots

Mint Leaves




Mustard vinaigrette


In a bowl, rinse the vegetables and spinach leaves. Dry the spinach leaves with paper towels. Then add the spinach leaves to a bowl. Remove the mint leaves from the stems and mix the mint leaves with the spinach leaves. After that slice the cucumbers and chop the baby carrots. 

Add the carrots and the cucumbers. Then add the sugar snap peas, walnuts, and dates. Toss the salad with the mustard vinaigrette or a different salad dressing. This salad serves two people. Consult with your primary doctor before adding dates and mint to your diet.

Walnuts are beneficial for the brain, cardiovascular system, and for men's health. Sugar snap peas are also beneficial for the skeletal system and the immune system. This entire salad is crunchy, and it is recommended to eat slowly. Nonetheless, you and your family will enjoy this salad. Here are websites about the health benefits. 

8 Health Benefits of Mint-Healthline: 

8 Health Benefits of Mint (

8 Proven Health Benefits of Dates-Healthline:

8 Proven Health Benefits of Dates (

Mint-Benefits, Nutrition, and Dietary Tips-Medical News Today:

Mint: Benefits, nutrition, and dietary tips (

Mint Leaves Health Benefits, Nutrients, Preparation, and More-Web MD:

Mint Leaves Health Benefits, Nutrients, Preparation, and More (

* Font and flower stickers from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

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