Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Conscious Awareness & Meditation

Conscious awareness is something that one aspires to accomplish through meditation. This awareness unites your feelings, thoughts, memories, sensations, and what you see in the world. It makes you see your true self. Yet, it is not difficult to practice conscious awareness. Although there might be distractions and changes that occur daily; Transcendental meditation permits you to meditate without concentration. You do not have to empty your endless thoughts. 

Therefore, this type of meditation can help you reach the state of consciousness. The state of conscious awareness is practiced through Transcendental Meditation. Transcendental meditation can be done in silence by repeating a mantra or repeating a sound such as Om (Aum). This type of meditation is used for relaxation, self-development, and for reaching a higher state of consciousness. There are many levels of consciousness when you practice this form of meditation which needs to be understood. 

There are seven levels of conscious awareness. Each level helps you heal through meditation. The first level is waking up. You observe how you feel in silence. Also, you use your five senses.

The second level is dreaming. When you are dreaming, your subconscious is more open to your hidden thoughts, hidden emotions, and deep inner thoughts. The third level is sleep. The fourth level is Transcendental consciousness. The fifth level is Cosmic consciousness. 

The sixth level is divinity, and the seventh level is unity. As you go through each level of conscious awareness, you can strengthen your intuition. The conscious level separates everything and is analytical. The more you develop awareness, you can transform yourself and feel inner peace. Additionally, you can feel self-love and feel united with creation. 

This unity is part of the superconscious aspect that makes you be filled with enlightenment. Before you begin Transcendental meditation, practice being in a room with total silence. As well as sitting in a comfortable position. Avoid looking at your cell phone, computer, tablet, and other electronics. It is recommended to have a certified teacher to practice Transcendental meditation. 

Practicing conscious awareness does have spiritual aspects but keep in mind it is not a religion. According to the Transcendental Meditation Movement, it is not done for religious purposes but for relieving stress, conscious awareness, and self-development. All you need to do is sit in silence and close your eyes while saying a mantra, phrase, or sound. Repeating it for twenty minutes to help you relax. Here are websites with more information about Transcendental meditation.

Transcendental Meditation and Its Many Benefits-Very Well Mind:

Transcendental Meditation and Its Many Benefits (

What is Spiritual Meditation-Healthline:

What is Spiritual Meditation? (

Meditation and the Consciousness-States of Consciousness-Waking, Sleeping, Dreaming, Meditation:

Meditation and the Consciousness | States of consciousness | Waking, Sleeping, Dreaming, Meditation | The Art Of Living Global

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