Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Walking in the Winter Season

Walking in the winter season can lower your blood pressure and manage your sugar levels. It also helps you to gather your thoughts and get ideas for your work projects. As well as feeling creative in other aspects. Meditating during a winter walk permits you to use your senses and enjoy the scenery. However, you might need to change your breathing techniques.

Breathing techniques make you feel calmer and slow down when you are walking. A smile breathing technique can help with your mood. This technique makes you smile while you breathe through your nose. Although, this breathing technique is usually done while sitting down; It can be done while you are walking and meditating. Smile as you walk, inhale, and exhale, and smile again.

Additionally, alternate nostril breathing can be done while walking slowly. This technique is done during Yoga. However, it can be done while walking outside. Box breathing and breathing deeply through your stomach are other options. The only breathing technique that is not recommended while walking is called Tummo; It is forced breathing technique that makes you visualize and meditate at the same time. 

Tummo breathing is not recommended because you can pass out. This technique makes you feel warm, but it is done when you are sitting down. Nonetheless, walking in the winter does require you to wear layers when walking outside. You can do walking meditation in the winter if you are alert and are safe. Walk for thirty minutes or an hour. 

Carry snacks and a hot drink on a thermos with you while you walk. Take pictures of the winter snow and anything that you see during your walk. Do not get distracted. Be careful while you take winter pictures during your walk. Last, be comfortable with your clothes and shoes.

Tie your shoes before walking. Make sure your shoelaces are secure. Always stay alert and watch your steps. Walking in the winter makes you enjoy the winter season. Here are websites about breathing techniques while walking.

Time Extender-Breathing Exercises:

Breathing-How to Breathe When Walking:

* Font, background, and artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker 

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