Thursday, December 21, 2023

Meditating with a Candle (World Peace Meditation Day)

Meditating with a candle helps you find your inner peace and helps you focus. However, you can also use a candle for World Peace Meditation Day. World Peace Meditation Day is every December 31st. Gazing at a candle helps you relax and feel peaceful. Light a candle and stare at the candle making the candle your entire focus.

Scented candles can be used to do this form of meditation. Although an unscented candle can be used for meditation; Scented candles can boost your mood and feel less nervous. You can use a battery-operated candle as well, but it is recommended to use a natural candle for this type of meditation. Make sure you have a comfortable area to meditate in a lotus pose with the candle or a comfortable chair to place the candle on a table. Before you begin meditating with a candle, create a meditation area with pebbles, a journal, a water bowl, and other items to help you meditate.

Also, you need to be fully awake to focus on the flame of the candle. Stare at the candle for five minutes by letting your thoughts go by. Completely gaze on the flame, the shape of the candle, the size of the candle, and inhale the aroma. Do breathing exercises and breathe slowly while gazing at the candle. After five minutes, write in your journal or on a piece of paper while the candle is flickering.

Then, extinguish the candle when you are done writing one page or half of a page in your journal. Meditation with a candle helps you concentrate and feel peaceful any time of the year. However, you can light a candle for World Peace Meditation Day to begin a new year with peace, harmony, self-love, and for your self-development process. Lighting a candle helps you to practice self-control and self-responsibility while you find your inner peace. This simple meditation permits you to calm down and understand your personal growth.

Additionally, lighting a candle helps you heal from painful experiences, the loss of a loved one, and the loss of a pet. You can light a candle in remembrance of a loved one on World Peace Meditation Day. After meditating with a candle, you can feel optimistic about starting a new year. You can meditate by yourself or in a group on this day with a candle to help others bring awareness of World Peace Meditation Day. Here are websites about meditating with a candle. 

Candle Meditation:

How to Do Candle Meditation:

* Font and artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker 

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