Thursday, December 28, 2023

Mindfulness & a Deck of Cards (National Card Playing Day)

National Card Playing Day is celebrated every year on December 28th. Playing cards is fun during the winter season and anytime of the year. However, playing cards also makes it easier for having conversations with your friends and family. Although, online card games have become popular over the years; paper card games make it easier to have an honest conversation with your friends and family. Purchase a new deck of cards especially if you have any smudges or food stains on your old deck of cards.

Additionally, there are numerous decks of cards that can be purchased in store or online. Some decks of cards are considered traditional versions because of the hearts, diamonds, and spades. Yet, a deck of cards is all you need to play a basic card game with your friends or family. You can have a mini notebook and a pen or a pencil to keep track of the scores. However, the important part is to have fun and to get to know your friend or family member through a game with a deck of cards.

There is a deck of cards that are considered collectibles. Keep in mind that each deck of cards consists of fifty-two cards without counting the jokers. It is not recommended to buy a used deck of cards because some of the cards might be missing from the box. Nevertheless, a deck of cards can make a nice Christmas stocking item or for another occasion as a gift. Playing cards creates a connection with your family and friends.

Furthermore, it makes you feel creative and helps your brain to stay sharp. Playing cards can make you practice mindfulness because it makes you concentrate on the game. It makes you avoid any distractions and stops you from having negative thoughts. Look at the deck of cards that you have in your hand. Observe the colors of the cards.

Look at the design of the card from the front and from the back. Practice being in silence while you listen to your friend or family member speak. Listen attentively and wait for your turn to speak. Avoid eating while playing the card game so the deck of cards can stay clean. Focus on the conversation with them and focus on the cards while you are playing the game.

You can play music in the background, but it is not necessary when you are playing with a deck of cards. Purchase card sleeves to keep the cards clean. It is recommended to wash your hands and make sure your hands are dry before playing with a deck of cards. Another way to celebrate National Card Playing Day is by playing solitaire or any other variation card game of solitaire. Here are websites with more information about celebrating National Card Playing Day. 

How Card Games Help Keep Your Brain Healthy-Thrive Global:

How Card Games Help Keep Your Brain Healthy - Thrive Global

The Joy and Tradition of National Card Playing Day-Hearts Game:

The Joy and Tradition of National Card Playing Day (

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