Monday, December 11, 2023

Scrooging & Dating During the Holidays

Scrooging is the worst way to break up with someone. When someone does this before the holidays it is not about the gifts. Although scrooging is done by not giving gifts to your boyfriend, girlfriend, or partner; There are more reasons behind this type of break up. It might be difficult for them to give you all the reasons for ending the relationship. Yet, it seems easier for them not to give gifts and to cancel holiday plans with you.

It is a harsh way to end a relationship. There are multiple reasons for scrooging. Scrooging can be done to avoid a difficult matter such as finding someone else, living with someone, dating multiple people at the same time, or dating someone else secretly. Another reason is that they might be hiding an affair or are being unfaithful to their long-term partner. Nevertheless, scrooging can also be done because of lack of money or not knowing what gift to buy.

It is necessary to have an honest conversation with someone regarding exchanging gifts and giving gifts. Notice if they ask you what gift you would like or if they avoid speaking about giving gifts to you. Ask them what their holiday plans are and listen actively. They might mention they are too busy and do not have time for you. Yet, they might tell you that you are included in their holiday plans but with no definite day or time. 

Additionally, the person who does the scrooging gives their partner signals before ending the relationship. They will be distant, distracted, and always short on time to see you. As well as canceling holiday events and rescheduling your date. You are taken for granted and they make you wait a long time to see each other again. Avoidance occurs frequently and they make you feel that something is wrong in the relationship. 

Furthermore, they tell you they cannot spend the holidays with you as much as they would like to. Scrooging occurs during the holidays when they no longer want to be in a relationship. It also makes them leave the relationship without committing and without meeting their family. Moreover, they have no intention of meeting your family either, which is disappointing. Do not blame yourself if your partner does this before the holidays. 

Do not make assumptions that your partner might scrooge, especially if they do not give you a gift during the holidays. First do not have expectations that you will get a gift. Second, do not rush into leveling up your relationship status. Every relationship requires different elements, and each couple needs to grow together. Third, give your boyfriend, girlfriend, or partner some time to prepare and feel less pressure before the holidays begin. 

Scrooging has nothing to do with laziness and procrastination. Dating during the holidays is exciting but be cautious. Know that scrooging is a harmful dating tactic to end a relationship. Trust your instincts. Here are websites about scrooging.


Scrooging The Worst Dating Trend That Can Potentially Ruin Your Holidays:

Scrooging: The Worst Dating Trend That Can Potentially Ruin Your Holidays | Love & Sex News, Times Now (

Scrooging Christmas Dating:

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