How to Celebrate National Compliment Your Mirror Day?

How do you celebrate National Compliment Your Mirror Day? This day is on July 3rd of every year, and it is a day dedicated to having a positive self-image. It is a day to practice self-acceptance, self-love, and self-compassion. Begin by looking in the mirror without feeling and without thinking pessimistic about your body. Although this may seem challenging at times, seeing yourself optimistically can help boost your self-esteem. 

Clean your mirror and do breathing techniques in front of the mirror. Then say compliments to yourself in front of the mirror before you leave your home. Smile when you compliment yourself. Also, you can say mirror quotes to yourself on this day. One quote by Craig D. Lounsbrough, " If we would take but a moment to glance into the mirror of our responses, we will clearly see the reflection of our heart."

Complimenting in front of the mirror can help you practice self-acceptance, self-love, self-worth, and optimistic self-esteem. Yet there might be times when this can make you feel uncomfortable, feel dissatisfaction, and frustrations. However, practicing self-worth, self-love, and self-compassion for yourself can make you have less doubts about your body image. Practicing appreciation and practicing positive affirmations can help reduce stress from looking in the mirror. Furthermore, avoiding looking in the mirror might be recommended for understanding your feelings without being too critical with your appearance. 

Keep in mind that avoiding looking in the mirror for too long might cause a distortion of your self-image. It can lead to a phobia called Spectrophobia. This phobia increases your heart rate and increases your nervous system. Furthermore, this phobia is caused by genetics and environmental factors. It is necessary to get treated for this phobia with a professional therapist and medical doctor. 

Spectrophobia can cause avoidance issues when socializing or other fears that cause anxiety. As well as panicking when one sees their reflection. Covering a mirror at home is not a solution to this phobia. This phobia can also be due to a traumatic experience and having other hidden fears. Getting counseling is recommended for understanding your phobia and for treating other hidden fears. 

National Compliment Your Mirror Day makes you stop and look at yourself in the mirror before leaving your home. Take a break from changing clothes and look at yourself in the mirror. Compliment yourself like the way you give compliments to a friend. For example, “You look impressive with that haircut,” “Your skin is glowing like your beautiful smile.” Another way is by doing positive affirmations in front of the mirror.

Begin by writing down your positive affirmations. Put them on small pieces of paper and put them in a jar. Pick out one positive affirmation per day to say in front of the mirror. You can also write positive affirmations in a list and tape it near your mirror. Here is a list of positive affirmations to say in front of the mirror. 

  1. I smile in front of the mirror with strength.
  2. I am satisfied with my accomplishments as I look forward to the future.
  3. I am optimistic and fully accept my challenges with optimism.
  4. I accept my body as I look at my imperfections in the mirror.
  5. I am valuable and treasured, which makes me smile in front of the mirror.
  6. I am aware of my imperfections, but I let my smile shine.
  7. I am accepting myself and love my appearance with or without the mirror.
  8. I am optimistic that everything showers me with positive vibes.
  9. I am loving myself one day at a time.
  10. I am radiant with my smile and feel confident in any outfit. 

In addition to writing and saying positive affirmations, you can share your compliments or quotes on National Compliment Your Mirror Day. This can bring awareness for boosting one’s self-esteem, self-image, and body positivity. Use the hashtag, #Compliment Your Mirror Day every year on July 3rd to remind everyone to take their time to compliment others and to spread positive messages on social media. As well as adding quotes to your social media on this day. Here are websites for Compliment Your Mirror Day. 

Fear of Mirrors-Phobia-Catoptrophobia:

Fear of Mirrors-Phobia-Catoptrophobia

Craig D. Lounsbrough Quotes-GoodReads:

Craig D. Lounsbrough Quotes-GoodReads

55 Powerful Mirror Affirmations for Confidence-Lets Reach Success:

55 Powerful Mirror Affirmations for Confidence-Lets Reach Success

* Font, stickers, and background from Photo Collage Editor Maker


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