Mindfulness for Self-Acceptance

Sometimes feeling unattached and disconnected from your partner can make you feel lonely. Often you feel you do not belong in the relationship. There might be times where you feel your partner does not accept you or accept the things that you do. However, this can occur if there is a lack of communication and less emotional connection with your partner. Having fewer intimate conversations and less sexual intimacy can also occur. 

Loneliness can make you feel distant from your partner. Additionally, this feeling of loneliness can increase and put tension in your relationship. However, this feeling of not belonging can occur to both of you throughout many years of being married. Therefore, it is recommended to reconnect with your partner with hobbies you both like and enjoy. Share ideas, your thoughts, and remember how you got together with your partner. 

Practice mindfulness to feel you belong and to feel accepted. Both of you can practice mindfulness individually and then as a couple. Begin by meditating with a guided meditation about belonging. Listen carefully while you close your eyes. Put your hand on your heart and listen to the guided meditation. 

Next practice mindfulness when you get dressed in the morning or at night. Observe your breathing and observe your body. Close your eyes and use your other senses to observe how you feel. Open your eyes and continue getting dressed. Say a mantra or repeat the word, "Acceptance."

Continue combing or brushing your hair. Comb your hair slowly. Then tell yourself, " I am accepted, I belong." After that practice mindfulness with your partner. Practice communication and mindfulness together. 

Be honest and admit any mistakes that you made. Forgive your partner. Listen attentively as you practice mindful communication. Do loving-kindness and write a letter to your partner. Tell each other, " I am safe with you," "I accept you," and " I belong and feel your acceptance."

Another way is to trust your partner by combing and brushing your hair. Let your partner help you. Then practice mindfulness at night by changing into your sleep wear. Say a mantra, do breathing techniques, and let go of body comparisons. Look in the mirror together as a couple and say, " I trust, accept, and feel comfortable with you."

Belonging and self-acceptance permits you to feel less loneliness. As well as feeling safe and feeling trustworthiness with each other. Clearly communicate your feelings with your partner so both of you can understand each other. Consult therapy for couples to improve your relationship and advice to reconnect with your partner. Here are websites with more tips for Belonging and self-acceptance through meditation and mindfulness. 


Developing a Sense of Belonging Through Mindfulness-Grow Mindfulness:

Developing a Sense of Belonging Through Mindfulness-Grow Mindfulness

You Belong-Guided Meditation-Women's Meditation Network:

You Belong-Guided Meditation-Women's Meditation Network

The Mindful Attitude of Acceptance:

The Mindful Attitude of Acceptance-Happy Melon

* Font, background, and artwork created in Photo Collage Editor Maker 


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