Office Pranks & Harassment

Office pranks might seem like jokes to employees. However, when an office prank is only done to one employee it is harassment. Depending on how the prank is done in the office, it is necessary to be aware that office pranks can be harassment especially if it is offensive, insensitive, and done with malice. As well as doing office pranks for boredom, vengeance, making fun of an employee that is pregnant, or a sexual prank is considered harassment. As an employee it is best to know the protocol of working in the office and what is considered acceptable in the office.

When pranks hurt, injure, or cause pain, it must be reported. Furthermore, if any employee knows what another employee does not like or what they are afraid of; It may make that employee do a prank on them because they feel intimidated by that employee. Also, office pranks that are done based on age, gender, beliefs, or other personal circumstances; Must be reported to Human Resources. Document it, save the evidence of the prank, and get a medical letter especially if the prank made your anxiety or other health conditions worse. Do not be afraid to report it to your supervisor and HR.

Harassment at work can be prevented by having training classes to prevent it. Additionally, being aware of your employee rights, ethics, and understanding what harassment is. Be aware of your surroundings in the office and outside of the office. If you hear an employee making an offensive joke or make comments about making an office prank to another employee; Share your concern with your supervisor. Do not feel guilty because you might be saving an employee’s life and prevent someone from being harassed. 

Preventing harassment prevents discrimination, verbal abuse, bullying, and sexual harassment in the workplace. Also, one must take care of one's mental and physical wellness. Be respectful and have boundaries in the workplace. If an office prank happens to you, know it is not your fault. Office pranks make anyone uncomfortable even if it was intended to be a joke. 

Yet, office pranks can be prevented in the workplace by observing employees’ bad attitudes. Although some offices might allow office pranks, it is best not to participate in these activities. Also be careful when you make friendships in the workplace. There are employees that might do office pranks as a joke because they know you might have a phobia about rats, snakes, insects, or other animals. It is recommended you do not share too many personal details about yourself with anyone, including your business manager in your workplace.

Keep in mind that office pranks can take in the form of harassment by unwanted touching, sexual content, verbal abuse, offensive drawings, fake toys, sexual messages, and sexual comments. It is necessary for all employees to know what is permitted in the workplace. Prohibiting office pranks in your business can prevent a toxic working environment. A teal ribbon can be used for sexual harassment awareness and a blue or orange ribbon can be used for anti-bullying awareness. Here are websites with more information about workplace office pranks. 


Pranks Often Cross the Line:

Pranks Often Cross the Line

When is an Office Prank Considered Harassment:

When is an Office Prank Considered Harassment

How to Stop Workplace Harassment: The Strategies You Need to Know:

How to Stop Workplace Harassment: The Strategies You Need to Know

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