Self-Care at Work (International Self-care Day 2024)

Self-care at work can be challenging but it can be beneficial for your overall health. Practicing self-care can help you sleep better and think more clearly when making decisions. Avoiding self-care is not recommended because it increases your work stress, anxieties, and can provoke digestive issues due to too much stress. Furthermore, your nervous system will send signals to your brain and will let your body know when it is time to slow down at work when it is too stressed out. You might overeat because of the work stress, negative work environment, and working too many hours.

Yet, practicing self-care for five to thirty minutes a day can make you feel less tension. Although not every stressful situation can be solved with self-care; It permits you to take a pause from work and to take care of your mental and physical health. As well as making you stop and think before responding to pessimistic employees at work. Mindfulness, meditation, journaling, positive affirmations, and exercising are a few ways to do self-care at work. But keep in mind that there are numerous ways to practice self-care at work even if you believe you do not have time to do this for yourself.

Often at work one lacks sleep especially if you have low sugar, a stress response, boredom, or not getting enough sleep the night before. You might want to drink water to wake you up at work. However, if you have low sugar, it is recommended to drink juice or glucose tablets. Always consult with your primary doctor for managing your sugar levels. Splash water on your face to help you wake up during work hours. 

Additionally, add citrus fruits inside the water to help you wake up during the afternoon when you are at work. Make sure your workspace has inspirational quotes in posters or a small frame for your desk. Also, take a walk outside of work or near your job so you can feel less sleepy at work. Look at the scenery and practice gratitude meditation. Say "I am grateful for this day" and "Thank you" while you walk outside. 

Drink icy water while you walk and observe how your body feels. If there are small shops or a café near your job, take a break by going inside the café or the shops. Distract yourself but set up a timer on your cellphone to go back to work. Focus on your thoughts, take deep breaths, and drink your beverage slowly. Observe your body, your emotions, and recognize the stress signals that you receive. 

Another tip is to do counting meditation, positive self-talk, stretch your arms and legs. Listen to music while you meditate in silence or while you do counting meditation. Manage your emotions by practicing positive affirmations and using mantras to help you relax. Bring a healthy snack or a healthy lunch to practice mindful eating at work. Avoid gossiping, negative comments, and other harmful conversations that affect your health. 

Sometimes caring too much at work can make you worry more at work. Too much worrying makes it harder to get sleep at night. Use essential oils to feel calm and to feel less nervous at work. Do not feel guilty for wanting to take two work breaks every day at work, especially if you work full-time. If you find it tough to do self-care at work, you might want to start practicing positive affirmations, mindful eating, or walking meditation. 

Be careful with mood changes, bad attitudes, insecurities, and feeling insufficient at work. Avoid being in a bad mood because of another person at work. Listen to music and repeat phrases or positive affirmations to yourself. Practice meditation for peace, for creativity, and for relaxation at work. Here are positive affirmations and phrases for practicing self-care at work. 

  1. I am skillful, knowledgeable, and peaceful. 
  2. I listen to my work team with an open mind. 
  3. May I be joyful. 
  4. May I be creative. 
  5. May I be unique, stronger, and always smile.
  6. I accomplish job tasks with my abilities. 
  7. I can improve myself while I work. 
  8. I am grateful for this job. 
  9. May I be safe and feel peaceful while I work. 
  10. May I be calm and be kind to myself.

Try to feel motivated to work and do not feel embarrassed to meditate at work. Self-Care at work can often be separated in multiple short breaks. Yet, if the work environment is too stressful for your health; Take a vacation or find a new job. It is estimated that sixty four percent of employees quit their jobs due to dangerous working conditions, sexual harassment, inappropriate comments, less paid time offs, and feeling discouraged at work. Toxic work environments prevent you from excelling and damage your mental well-being. 

If you get hiccups, nervous ticks, or must sit down for many hours at work; Notify your primary doctor. Often working in a stressful work environment, your health might get neglected. Know the warning signals of work-related stress. Other health issues can get effected from work stress, seek professional counseling and recommendations from your primary doctor. Here are websites with more tips for doing self-care at work.


Self-Care and Work Life Balance:

Self-Care and Work Life Balance 

50 Self-Care & Workplace Wellness Ideas for You, Your Team, Your Company

50 Self-Care & Workplace Wellness Ideas for You, Your Team, Your Company 

7 Tips for Self-care During a Busy Work Week:

7 Tips for Self-care During a Busy Work Week

* Font and background made in PiZap 


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