National I Want You To Be Happy Day 2025
There are many ways to make others feel happier. Also, there are many ways to make your significant other happier. By making others feel happier, you can also feel happier with them. On March 3rd is National I Want You to be Happy Day. This day helps you and others feel happier and to bring awareness of what makes you and others feel happiness.
Although you cannot make everyone feel happier, you can still make them smile to help them enjoy their day. Ask them if they need help in doing the laundry, washing the dishes, or sweeping the floors. Do not take it personally if they disregard your help. However, celebrate National I Want You to be Happy Day without making expectations in receiving something in return. Do something with kindness for yourself and for others.
This day is about making someone smile such as sharing happiness quotes, positive affirmations for happiness, or an inspirational book that can make someone feel happier. Also, making a music playlist online or on your music application and playing the music for others while you are at work with them. Nonetheless, helping others to smile a little bit more and encouraging them to feel happiness is what this day is all about. Sometimes letting someone go inside a room first or paying for someone’s groceries is another way to make someone feel cheerful. Here is a brief list of things that you can do to make others feel cheerful.
- Make a personalized gift for your significant other or for another family member.
- Make a gift with their name on it or with a monogram of their initials for someone such as a friendship bracelet, friendship necklace, or a stationery set.
- Give someone a small gift such as flowers, candy, or something that you know that they would like to use.
- Do something nice for them such as pulling out a chair for them to sit, holding someone's hand so they will not fall, or turn on a flashlight to help them see.
- Teach someone to dance, teach someone to crochet, cross stitch, or other activities.
- Give someone hand lotion, bath products, or a gift basket of random items.
- Be available for them and have cookies with tea or other hot beverages with them.
- Show your appreciation for someone by commenting on something that you like such as their shoes, watch, or other items.
- Help someone move their furniture, hang clothes in the closet, or help clean their home.
- Listen to them without interruptions so they can feel heard and respected.
Be kind, supportive, and share your positivity with others. Making others feel happier can also make their day better. Post a comment showing appreciation to a company, post an optimistic quote, or anything inspiring on your social media accounts. Use the hashtag, “#I Want You to Be Happy Day” on social media. Here are more resources for making someone feel happier.
60 Proven Ways to Make Someone Else Happy-Happier Human:
60 Proven Ways to Make Someone Else Happy - Happier Human
25 Ways to Make Someone Happy (and smiling!)-Tracking Happiness:
25 Ways to Make Someone Happy (and Smiling!) - Tracking Happiness
* Background, font, and pink flowers from PiZap
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