Saturday, December 7, 2019

Winter Affirmations to Combat Winter Sadness

Reading positive affirmations in the winter can make you feel motivated, cheerful, and have appreciation. The winter season can make you feel depressed now that the year is almost to a close. The seasonal affective disorder usually occurs in the autumn and in the winter season which changes your energy levels, mood, and your sleep. Also, your eating habits might change. There might be a loss of interest in doing your favorite hobbies and a feeling of guilt.

Therefore, reading positive affirmations will help raise your self-esteem and will make you feel more hopeful. It will also reduce negative emotions and stress. Here is a shortlist of positive winter affirmations:

1.    I am confident in expressing how I feel.
2.    I am loved and confident to show my love to others.
3.    I am at peace with myself and with others.
4.    I enjoy life throughout the changing seasons.
5.    I am relaxed and feel motivated.

Repeating positive affirmations will help lift your mood and feel more strength to confront any difficult task. Writing positive affirmations in a journal, notebook, or on a sticky note can boost your mood. In addition, exercising outside and adding more light in the rooms can help you beat winter sadness. Eating foods with Omega 3 fatty acids and foods with potassium can elevate your mood. Here are more resources about SAD and winter positive affirmations. 

20 Daily Affirmations to Fight Off The Winter Quarter Blues:

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD):

15 Scientifically Backed Tips To Beat the Winter Blues:

Winter Quotes at Good Reads 

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