Thursday, October 26, 2023

Mindfulness & Decluttering

Decluttering your home in a rush leaves you feeling tired and frustrated. The more items you try to organize and try to get rid of the more you feel stressed out. This also makes you feel remorseful. It is difficult to get rid of items because of the sentimental attachment. Yet, mindfulness can assist you in letting go of items so they can go to charity.

Although there might be some items that are harder to let go of emotionally; Mindfulness permits you to hold on to some things and let go of other things. You might find it difficult at first. To practice mindfulness while decluttering, it is helpful to practice thankfulness. Say kind words aloud before putting it away in the donation bag. Also, give away the items with a joyful attitude. 

Organizing, cleaning, and dusting can make you notice how your room looks, especially by practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness makes you slow down and look at every detail of each item that you are sorting. For example, sort through your sock drawer carefully and look for each pair of socks. Look at the colors, fabric, and designs on the socks. Search for the missing socks or have a box labeled missing socks. 

If you do not have time to look for the missing socks, save the labeled box and look for the socks on laundry day. Nevertheless, sort through your clothes, shoes, and under the bed for your missing socks. Match each pair of socks and fold them. Mend the socks by embroidering them or sewing any holes. Besides sorting socks, you can practice mindfulness with any type of clothing. 

When sorting, organizing, and storing your apparel; Remember to practice gratitude and say goodbye to your gently worn clothes that you no longer need. Nicely fold your clothes before giving them to charity. The autumn season is all about cleaning and organizing before the winter season. It is also a time of self-reflection about yourself and letting go of items you do not need anymore. The more you practice mindfulness, the more you can feel grateful and feel at peace in giving away the items. 

It is difficult and painful to let go of clothes that you enjoyed wearing throughout the years. However, if it no longer fits or your feelings toward the item have changed; It is best to give it away so someone can feel cheerful and can use it. Mindfulness can be practiced with any item in your home. It helps you move on so your home can be organized for your peace of mind. The more you practice mindfulness, the more peaceful and comfortable you will be in your home.

Clean your garage, sweep the floors, and have optimistic thoughts while cleaning. Organize one room at a time. Throw away expired items such as cosmetics, expired food, and anything past the expiration date. Smile after donating your items. Here are websites with information about decluttering your home.


Mindfulness & Decluttering:

Decluttering Your Entire Home-The Spruce: you do that, you,a small amount of clutter.

How to Practice Mindfulness While Cleaning House-Life with Dee:
How To Practice Mindfulness While Cleaning House - Life with Dee

*Font, background, and autumn leaves from Photo Collage Editor Maker

* Artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker

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