Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Purple Thursday (Domestic Violence Awareness)

Domestic Violence Awareness Month is in October of every year to bring an understanding about unhealthy relationships. It is also a month about preventing an abusive relationship and getting out of this harmful relationship. Furthermore, Domestic Violence Awareness Month is a month for survivors who recovered from these painful experiences. On the third Thursday of October, you can wear purple on Purple Thursday. Purple Thursday is a day of hope and a day to remember those lives lost from abuse.

Wearing purple on this day shows your support for preventing Domestic Violence. You can take a picture of yourself wearing a purple T-shirt, purple bracelet, or purple shoes. Then post it on social media with a message about Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic violence affects families, friends, children, and anyone close to you. Often the warning signs may not be noticeable if it is an ongoing problem in the relationship.

Also, you might not be aware of a couple experiencing domestic violence in their relationship, especially if you are a teenager. For example, a teenager gets a ride from her friend who is dating a new guy. However, as a teenager, you are minding your business when suddenly you hear shouting in the car. You see your friend arguing with the new guy she is dating. After that, they drop you off at your home.

In this fictitious scenario, the teenager getting a ride home is not aware that her friend might be in danger or is in an abusive relationship. The next day at school, her friend apologizes about her new boyfriend's behavior. However, as the months pass by in school, you notice your friend getting more isolated from you and her classmates. Nonetheless, domestic violence is painful, damaging, and hurtful as a teenager or as an older adult. Therefore, it is essential to be alert, listen patiently, and be careful if you are in a new relationship. 

Devote some time on Purple Thursday to discuss with your friends and family about preventing domestic violence. Ask your teenager questions and answer their questions regarding healthy relationships. Discuss with your teenager about unhealthy relationships, verbal abuse, and other teen dating topics. Additionally, reflect on your relationships, your relationship with your spouse, or your relationship with your partner. Purple Thursday is for everyone who wants to participate and show support for preventing domestic violence.

You can also purchase purple flowers and give them to a survivor that you know. Also, you can have purple flowers in your home to remind you about Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Wear a purple ribbon, a purple pin, or a purple bow at work or at school for Purple Thursday. Additionally, you can attend a domestic violence prevention workshop if it is offered in your local community. Here are website links regarding Purple Thursday and Domestic Violence Awareness Month. 


Purple Thursday:


Purple Thursday for Domestic Violence Awareness:


All Against Abuse Organization-Why Purple:


* Purple filter by LunaPiC

* Font from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

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