Saturday, January 14, 2023

National Vision Board Day


Today, January 14th is National Vision Board Day. Vision boards have become popular a lot more over the years. Vision boards are useful to stay motivated and to imagine your goals becoming fulfilled. There are two ways to make vision boards. These boards can be made in a digital collage or a paper collage form.

It can have a theme and you can make several vision boards. You can have a vision board on your cell phone, in your work office, home office, or in a room, you spend a lot of time. Also, vision boards help with mental health because it keeps you feeling confident and encouraged. At first, you might feel hesitant about making your vision board and if it will help you with your goals. Let go of your doubts and feel free to make a vision board that you would like to see every day.

You can start making your vision board any time of the year. But it is recommended to make your vision board early in the year since it makes you focus on your aspirations. Vision boards do not help you find a purpose in life, but it does make it less difficult to find your ambitions. These boards can change over time as you slowly transform into the person you want to be. Therefore, you can make a monthly vision board to help you with your objectives and to think about how you can accomplish them.

Vision boards are part of your focal point to imagine succeeding and not give up on what you can achieve. You can use your vision board to improve your relationships, your friendships, your work life, and what you want to see more in your life. Even if you do not get what you want to have in life, you can continue to feel inspired to achieve anything. Continue your self-growth as a unique individual progressing forward. Below are links on how to make a vision board. 

How to Create a Vision Board in 8 Steps-Positive Creators:

How To Create A Vision Board In 8 Steps | Positive Creators

How to Make a Vision Board-Tips for Achieving Your Goals-Project Hot Mess:

How to Make a Vision Board: Tips for Achieving Your Goals - Project Hot Mess

7 Steps to Making a Vision Board that Really Works-2023-Deena Douglas:

7 Steps to Making a Vision Board that REALLY Works! (2023) | Deena Douglas

* Collage and free pictures from PiZap

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