Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Shape Up US Month


Shape Up US is an organization that provides information about exercising and eating healthier. It is also a campaign to bring awareness of obesity among children and adults in the United States. More children have become obese over the years. The entire month of January is dedicated to Shape Up US. Shape Up US organization has free events about incorporating healthier meals and exercise to fit into your lifestyle. 

Although this campaign is in the US, obesity has become problematic globally. Being obese has been a stigma in a mental and emotional aspect. It makes it harder for society to accept many body shapes and change their beauty standards. Obesity causes children to bully each other with harmful jokes, comments, and harsh words. Therefore, it is vital to understand the causes of obesity.

Obesity has increased due to stress, Covid-19, genetics, poor eating habits, and a sedentary lifestyle. Additionally, lack of exercise among children who spend a lot of time with their electronic devices. Another reason is not having the time to make healthier meals at home, which has made it complicated for single parents. Furthermore, financial issues in buying organic foods or foods that are healthier to purchase have been a major reason. Besides certain medications that make people overweight. 

Regardless of the reasons, obesity brings more challenges for the body and may cause other diseases. Obesity is recognized as a chronic disease. It is a sensitive topic to address in the medical field. Yet, it makes it tougher to accept your body shape when people make you feel more self-conscious about what you wear. To exercise you must change your thinking process and make a routine for yourself. 

Exercise should be an integral part of any lifestyle. Although exercise can become boring at times, it is crucial to incorporate it into your routine. Depending on how much time you have throughout the day, you can exercise with your children for thirty minutes. Gradually increasing your exercise time to an hour. Do fun activities such as learning to dance, learning to swim, learning basketball, jumping rope, or walking. 

Use dumbbells to strengthen your muscles. Stretch your body and stay hydrated. Make an exercise area in your home to work out. Learn about nutrition and make healthier meals for your family. Vary your healthy meals and use different spices to flavor your meals. 

Exercising and healthier meals might not be enough to lose weight. However, if you exercise without the motivation to lose weight; It will make it fun for you and your family. If you must lose weight for medical reasons, speak to your primary doctor or a medical nutritionist for recommendations. Get your thyroid checked out and learn about your options. Erase any stereotypes you might have about being overweight.

Make exercising enjoyable for you and your children. You do not need to buy big exercise equipment especially if you have no space to store it. Exercise with music and play musical chairs. Check your sugar before and after exercise if you are diabetic. Here are websites about exercise and Shape Up US. 


Shape Up US Organization:


The 30-Minute Fitness Routine-Web MD:

The 30-Minute Fitness Routine (webmd.com)

12 Best at Home Workouts-No Equipment Needed-Lifehack:

12 Best at Home Workouts (No Equipment Needed) - Lifehack

* Fonts, borders, and background from PiZap 

* Dumbbell clip art png:

* Exercise clip art png:

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