Thursday, January 19, 2023

Sleeping Tips for Students

It is necessary to get enough sleep if you are a student in school, college, or in a university. Being a student requires a lot of concentration, memorization, and creativity. To learn abilities, a student needs to develop beneficial habits and adjust their behavior to get a good night’s sleep. These habits are called sleep hygiene, which environmental influences also affect a student’s sleep. Changes in room temperature, natural lighting, noises from the wind, and outside noises create disturbances for students that cannot sleep.

The winter season makes it more difficult to sleep seven to eight hours a day depending on the age of the student. If the student is not a teenager, he or she may need nine to eleven hours of sleep. Sleep deprivation is an ordinary occurrence among students and older adults. Sleeping during class time is not recommended. Yet, there are students that tend to sleep during class hours because they cannot sleep at night.

Speak to your doctor if you are a student and have trouble sleeping at night. One reason for not getting enough sleep is due to puberty changes such as hormonal changes that make the brain to wake-up in the middle of the night. This is common if you are a young girl and about to get your menstrual cycle. Another reason is eating late meals. Other reasons to wake up at night are bed wetting, nightmares, and an overactive nervous system.

Make sure you have a sleep routine such as stretching your body or doing yoga poses to help you sleep. Exercise during the day such as playing a sport, dancing, or climbing stairs to help your body to release body tension. Have an early breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Practicing meditation or mindfulness to help you relax when you are too stressed out over taking tests and passing your finals. Decorate your room and add layers of blankets to your bed.

Ask your parents to help you decorate your bedroom and your study area. Learn how to relax two hours before going to sleep. Complete any school projects ahead of time and prepare your backpack before going to sleep. Organize your school binders, homework, and school supplies so everything is ready in the morning before going to class. For tips, please see this infographic from Study Corgi about sleep hygiene for students. 

Infographic from Study Corgi

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